


Jash Knife gate valves are widely used in the chemical and petrochemical industry for various applications due to their versatility, durability, and suitability for handling a wide range of corrosive and abrasive materials. When selecting knife gate valves for particular applications, we consider the specific chemical properties, temperature, pressure, and other factors that might affect the performance and longevity of the valves in the given process. Considering Jash Engineering Limited for providing a solution ensures the appropriate selection of valves for the industry’s unique requirements. Some of the applications mastered by us includes – 

Isolation and Shutoff:

Knife gate valves are used for isolation and shutoff applications in chemical processes. They can effectively cut through and seal against the flow of media, providing a reliable means of controlling the movement of chemicals through pipelines. Our valves Model ZFI, Model KU-HP-APM, Model ZFB are most suitable to fit in the requirements for this application.

Feed / Dosing Systems

In dosing and feed systems, where precise control of the media is crucial, our slide gate valves Model ZFB and Model KU-HP-PAM are employed to regulate the flow of the media into the process. This helps in maintaining accurate dosing and ensures the proper formulation. These valves are most suitable for the applications involved dosing of the media through a pneumatic conveying system.

Waste Treatment

Our knife gate valves Model MONO and Model ZFI are used in wastewater treatment and chemical waste disposal systems to control the flow of fluids. The valves help in directing these fluids to the appropriate treatment or disposal processes.

Pneumatic Conveying Systems

In systems that transport powders or granular materials pneumatically, our valves Model ZFB and Model KU-HP-PAM are utilized to control the flow of these materials. The valves help in directing the materials to the desired destinations within the chemical processing facility.

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